Engineered to optimize residential AV system performance, the new Rackmount PowerCore Isolation Transformer system from Exact Power is designed to extend its noise isolation and system protection capabilities beyond the rack to remote locations throughout the home.
The latest isolation transformer system offered by Exact Power, this 5 kVA rackmount unit offers power filtering and conditioning and a newly derived reference ground for components in the rack and for connected equipment in and other locations in the home. The goal, according to Exact Power president Bob Schluter is to provide same-phase, surge-protected, and conditioned power to minimize noise in small- to mid-sized AV systems.
The Rackmount PowerCore system provides status notification that automatically alerts homeowners and integrators to problems so they can be quickly addressed and resolved.
A proprietary Ground Current Leakage display indicates excessive ground current, allowing integrators to troubleshoot problems that would otherwise create hum and buzz. Another proprietary feature, called Safety Ground Integrity Monitoring, indicates if the primary safety ground is lost and then shuts down power to outlets. It also automatically re-sequences power when the safety ground is restored.
The system also features a balanced primary feed that facilitates installation and lowers the cost of the installed system.
The Rackmount PowerCore system is offered in either 208V or 240V models with a capacity of 5 kVA. A freestanding PowerCore Isolation Transformer system, introduced earlier this year, is also available for installations with larger power requirements with models ranging from 7.5 to 25 kVA capacities.