Home Technology Specialists of America (HTSA) has elected Bob Gullo, owner of Electronics Design Group, Piscataway, New Jersey, as president for 2011. Jon Robbins, president of HiFi House, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been selected as vice president for 2011. Craig Abplanalp of Definitive Audio, Bellevue, Washington, was also newly elected to the HTSA board.

Bob Gullo

Jon Robbins
Returning board members are Brian Hudkins of Gramophone Ltd., Columbia, Maryland; Joe Barrett of Barrett’s Technology Solutions, Naperville, Illinois; Jeff Anderson of Aurant, Salt Lake City, Utah; Brad Whitehead of Paragon, Glenwood Springs, Colorado; Mike McMaster of Wilshire Home Entertainment, Thousand Oaks, California; and Leon Shaw of Audio Advice, Raleigh, North Carolina.
“Our board members provide invaluable insight and leadership to our organization and we look for individuals who can step into these roles firmly,” said Richard Glikes, executive director of HTSA. “Leon Shaw’s goal during his tenure as president in 2010 was to begin the process of creating a standardized software platform for utilization across the membership. Bob Gullo’s goal is to be the communication president in 2011. Bob’s plan is to implement processes across the membership to generate more idea and information sharing.”