Powerline Control Systems, the inventor of Universal Powerline Bus technology, and a developer and manufacturer of lighting control products for residential and commercial markets, has appointed industry veteran, Wayne Ortner
to national sales manager.

Wayne Ortner
Working with PCS certified integrators, authorized dealers, distributors, and retailers, Ortner will be responsible for planning, implementing, and managing PCS’ sales programs throughout the U.S.
“The PulseWorx line from PCS is the perfect product assortment to assist custom installation professionals with their lighting control needs,” Ortner said. “The lighting control technology PCS developed, the patented Universal Powerline Bus, has led to an impressive array of products that offer custom installers in both the residential and commercial markets a solution for virtually any retrofit or new construction application. With an outstanding reputation with its customer base and business partners, PCS is poised to get to the next level and I look forward to being part of that success.”
Ortner is a 30-year veteran in the consumer electronics industry, specializing in the custom installation markets with an extensive background that includes the ownership and management of multiple consumer electronics sales representative firms and distribution companies.
Ortner was one of the original founders and principals of AVAD, a leading custom electronics distributor, and served as a member of AVAD’s executive team through 2009.
Specifically, Ortner boasts expertise in sales and marketing of lighting control. As AVAD regional general manager in 2007, he was presented with Lutron’s “Sales Excellence Award” in lighting controls.