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Kedging FTW

How do you keep your business moving when there is no wind behind it.


Protecting the Spec

If prospects aren’t saying yes to what your firm is suggesting, consider changing the structure of the conversation.


Own Your Own SaaviHome

The Denver-based integrator looks to spread its success by being the CI industry’s first business franchise.


“Time Out” For the Win

Taking five minutes just before a project starts to double-check that the full team is ready to go can prevent trouble later.


Stop Selling Products!

The experience is what people want and will pay for — so stop selling shiny boxes, fun features, and beguiling benefits.


Math for Fun and Profit

Well, not exactly fun, but profit math can open your business up to new opportunities — and provide the cash to support it.


Painting the Ship

Care of the company is not all on the owner — look to your team to help carry the burden.

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