INDIANAPOLIS, IN—Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard will deliver a keynote presentation at CEDIA’s annual Management Conference, which will be held at Carefree Resort & Villas in Carefree, Arizona, March 4-7, 2009. Leonard’s presentation, “The Power to Win,” will outline how attendees can take the lessons Leonard has learned from his challenges and successes in the
Boxing Legend, Sugar Ray Leonard will deliver the closing keynote at CEDIA’s 2009 Management Conference. boxing arena and apply them in the professional world.
CEDIA, which celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2009, established its Management Conference for business owners and senior-level managers in the electronic systems industry with content designed to build more competitive, more sustainable businesses. The format allows company owners and their lead employees to take a step back from working “in” their businesses and instead work “on” their businesses.Attendees often complete the conference recharged and prepared to immediately implement concrete changes in their day-to-day operations.
Online registration for the event opens November 6. The deadline to receive early-bird registration discounts is February 4. For details, visit or call