We both have quite different approaches to how we engage in our marketing efforts. Todd has always managed his own social media accounts and has historically been highly successful getting noticed, shared, and followed. He loves photography, and takes great job-site pictures. He enjoys spending the time on social media to craft posts and edit pictures so they look perfect. This model has been a hit, although unfortunately clients are now less agreeable to posting pictures of their homes on social media, so Todd’s frequency has declined a bit. But his presence is still top notch, and results in many leads and inquiries — particularly from designers and architects. Todd follows many other companies in our industry whose social media marketing he respects. One of his favorite companies to follow and learn from is Tym Smart Homes and Home Theaters (check out their Facebook page and Instagram feed — they do some really amazing work and are very adept at presenting it on social media). Not only do they have great pictures, but they provide great advice for homeowners and dealers alike.
More from Todd and Mark: My First AV over IP Installation with SnapAV MOIP
Conversely, Mark came from a corporate marketing and strategy background, and getting into the nitty gritty of the posts and cropping images ‘just so’ is not something he relishes. For years he has known that sending out regular newsletters to clients and trade partners and increasing his social media presence are critical marketing goals, but it has always fallen to the bottom of the pile and been addressed very sporadically. He has a strong desire to have a voice and presence in the industry — for dealers, trade partners and customers alike. He would like to do something similar to what Todd has done with his industry writing, podcast appearances, and social media presence (and he has been gracious enough to let Mark partner with him on this blog series so his voice can be heard and he can get his thoughts out there). When Mark started in this business, Todd was critical to his success. It is time to pay it forward and for Mark to help other integrators and trade partners develop their businesses.
Mark is great at the marketing strategy and knowing what tactics to employ. He finally decided enough was enough and he hired a marketing professional to help him out. He is working with Taryn Taylor (itstaryntaylor.com) and she has been fantastic. It has only been about a month that they have been working together, but Taryn has put together three-to-four social media posts per week that go out to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn (Mark does not have a Twitter presence) and a monthly email newsletter to clients and trade partners (beginning of the month to trade partners and mid-month to clients). They have a 30-minute conversation every week or two, and Taryn takes the information Mark provides to put together all the content. It is too early to really measure results, but there is more engagement with the Home Theater Advisors pages on Facebook and Instagram, and the newsletters have generated a few inquiries from previous clients who may want to upgrade. He has been very happy with the investment to-date, and is looking forward to how much more focused and tighter the marketing will be once Taryn learns his business better and they have more data to analyze so they can really focus in on what works and then try new ideas to increase engagement.
More from Todd and Mark: Running a Better Business in Times of Inventory Uncertainty
What are you doing to ensure your company is front and center on social media and in your clients’ and partners’ minds?