During its “New Dreams in New Orleans” spring summit, Azione Unlimited unveiled its new Azione Accelerator program that is designed to assist custom integrators in securing the foundations of their businesses. The program focuses on what Azione considers the four pillars of success — mentorship, marketing, partnerships, and experiences — and has a related four-pronged approach to getting it done. The four areas are:
- Connected Clusters Cubed
- Marketing Made Easy
- Influential Introductions
- Electrifying Experiences

Mentorship: Connected Clusters Cubed
Azione has brought in three professional facilitators — Jayson Sayen from LK & Associates; Stacey McKibbin of Consilio; and Chris Smith from TheCoTeam — to work with groups of 10-12 non-competitive integrators in monthly two-hour meetings. According to Azione, these meetings will provide “unbiased feedback, expanding the dealer’s perspective, and empowering their business decisions to thrive in the custom integration world.”
Topics to be covered include maximizing vendor relationships; recurring revenues and building enterprise value; hiring methods and best practices; mapping software to your process; and how to measure your business with KPIs; among others.
The cost to enter this program is $1200/semi-annually.
Marketing: Marketing Made Easy
For this pillar, Azione is leveraging its relationship with Nationwide Marketing Group and using NMD’s PriMetrix performance insights platform. After a custom landing page is created on the participating dealer’s website, an advertising campaign will be created that will direct visitors to that page. From that, PriMetrix will reveal untapped local market opportunities by zip code and pinpoint the most affluent clients in your market. Azione will help the dealer target those clients and then, once the campaign is complete, provide a full data analysis of key performance indicators.
The cost of this program is $1000/month.
Partnerships: Influential Introductions
Further leveraging its Nationwide connections, Azione will help facilitate a meeting with a Luxury Nationwide dealer to create an alliance and organically grow the pipeline for both businesses. Once a top-end luxury appliance dealer has been identified in your market, Azione will coordinate with regional member support managers to facilitate a free lunch. (And you thought there was no such thing…)
Azione will check in monthly to see how the partnership is working and possibly identify new partners as they become available. This is an opt-out program and is selected by the proximity of both dealer locations.
There is no charge to the dealer for this program.
Experiences: Electrifying Experiences
For this one, Azione Unlimited will be facilitating two-day meetings in unique, all-inclusive team-building spaces. Unlike the other parts of the Accelerator program, a dealer can’t elect to join this pillar, rather the participants will be hand-selected by Azione staff, who are looking for “the next generation of community movers and shakers.”
The group plans to have its first Electrifying retreat this summer.
“There was a lot of excitement for the newly launched Azione Accelerator initiatives at our national New Orleans conference,” says Richard Glikes, president of Azione Unlimited. “Dealer appetites were peaked after learning about the value of an investment that values time spent working on their business. The Azione Accelerator concepts are an evolution of past initiatives, now elevated by the full-time business coaches, our Nationwide Marketing Group partnership, and a desire to make our Azione community stronger, smarter, and more profitable.”
For more information, visit https://www.azioneunlimited.com.