Josh.ai continues expanding the power, and now availability, of artificial intelligence in the home through a partnership with Azione Unlimited. Azione’s membership of custom installers, home technology professionals, and manufacturers will now gain access to Josh.ai’s proprietary voice control products and privacy-focused approach to home automation.
In evaluating the decision to join a buying group, Josh.ai is starting with Azione for its people, programs, and promotional opportunities. The organization is a natural fit with so many high caliber Josh.ai integration partners and dealers already on its roster. Through this partnership with Josh.ai, Azione expands its high-end residential solutions and innovative offerings for members to present to their potential clients.
“We’ve long admired Azione since the early days of Josh.ai, often speaking at their summits about voice control, AI, and the future of our industry,” says Alex Capecelatro, CEO of Josh.ai. “Now that we have surpassed 500 certified dealers, the timing feels right to start engaging with buying groups. We have the utmost respect for the dealers, manufacturers, and programs at Azione, and feel fortunate to be joining their ranks.”
Founded in 2015, the Josh.ai platform includes features such as a custom natural language processing engine that can handle multiple requests in one command, deep-linking through AV distribution, room and contextual awareness, as well as a proprietary natural language scene creator. The hardware product, Josh Micro, is an all-in-one smart home processor and hands-free voice assistant, sold exclusively through professional installers.
Related: The Business Side of Josh.ai
Josh.ai is sought after by luxury clientele thanks to its stance on privacy, which the company believes is critical for its users. According to CEO Alex Capecelatro, “We believe privacy is a basic human right, particularly when dealing with voice control technology in the most private spaces of a person’s life. We don’t think it’s necessary to have to choose between cutting-edge technology and a feeling of privacy. With Josh.ai, you get both.”
The system allows clients to choose to store data locally for a period of time to assist in learning, or not to store commands at all. Any data collected is used exclusively to make the user experience better. Data is never used for targeted ads. In contrast with most other voice assistants, Josh.ai does not gather and share data for marketing purposes, and never sells client data to third parties.
In addition to advanced voice control, Josh.ai recently launched the 4.0 version of its iOS apps, offering control over the entire home. With the app, users have the ability to view cameras, monitor the state of devices, create scenes, and control everything with voice or a GUI, from anywhere in the world.
For more information, visit www.josh.ai.