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Stewart Filmscreen Announces New Competitive Pricing

Lower prices on the company’s bestselling screen materials and sizes.

Stewart Filmscreen Corp. has announced new competitive pricing for its most popular screen materials and sizes.

Stewart Filmscreen Balon Edge Projection Screen

Effective May 5, 2023, customers will be able to purchase the following products with new pricing in its online dealer portal (Roy) with the full price sheet to follow in the coming days.

Price Changes:

  • Harmony G2 woven material (now available 16 feet tall) prices reduced on average by 34 percent. For example, the price of the WallScreen Deluxe with Harmony G2 16:9 160 inches has been reduced from $6360 to $3986 (a decrease of $2374 or 37 percent).
  • BlackHawk UST laser-projection material, Balón Edge frame, prices reduced on average by 28 percent. For example, the price of the Balón Edge BlackHawk UST 16:9 120 inches has been reduced from $6017 to $4458 (a decrease of $1559 or 26 percent).
  • Perforado (Available on Neve/Tiburon G4) screen perforation prices reduced on average by 37 percent.
  • Phantom HALR Plus screen material prices reduced on average by 15 percent.
  • Bestselling StudioTek 130 G4 and FireHawk G5 prices reduced on average by 3 to 5 percent.
  • Neve  and Tiburon G4 prices reduced on average by 3 percent
  • StudioTek 100SnoMatte 100, and GrayMatte 70 prices increased on average by 7 percent.

New Products and Options:

  • Harmony G2 now available up to 16 feet tall.
  • BlackHawk UST screen material now available on the WallScreen 2.5 frame.
  • Neve and Tiburon G4 screen material now available on both Stewart Filmscreen frames as well as CIMA frames.
  • UltraPerf screen perforation now available on select models. Full details coming soon.

Dealers that placed an order between April 21 and May 5 for any screens that dropped in price upon this announcement will receive a credit in the same amount (off dealer price) on their next order placed before May 19, 2023. For details, please reach out to your inside Stewart sales rep

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