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TruAudio Introduces Outdoor Birdhouse Speaker

As part of its “Hands Grasp Feathers” initiative, TruAudio is unveiling a new line of outdoor birdhouse speakers.

As part of its “Hands Grasp Feathers” initiative, TruAudio is unveiling a new line of outdoor birdhouse speakers.

“I’ve noticed that when I install outdoor speakers, many end up with a bird nest on top. I just figured If you can’t beat ‘em… So, I suggested to TruAudio that they make an outdoor speaker that also functions as a bird house. And danged if they didn’t do it!” said Chris Zarndt, of Las Vegas Home Theater.

Zarndt continued as a creative consultant with TruAudio in the development of the BRD-22 Outdoor Birdhouse Speaker.

The BRD-22 comes in a custom-designed cabinet made from UV resistant, ABS plastic that is both durable and homey in nature. TruAudio also developed its own ABS color – BRDdrop white – that will withstand years of weather abuse while providing discrete color matching for the occupant’s waste products.

The BRD-22 features a 6-inch injected poly woofer that is timbre-matched to the Yellow-throated Warbler – a breed largely considered to have the most ubiquitous of bird voices. In an innovative move, TruAudio opted to leave out a potential tweeter in exchange for increased living space.

“We figure if we’re going to all this trouble to provide them with a speaker and a home, the least a bird can do is tweet about it,” said Zarndt.

On April 2, TruAudio released the following statement:

In conducting our bird focus groups we were told over and over again that no song bird likes competition from a speaker.

Also, in customer trials the BRDdrop white cabinets worked well… a little too well. The birds were pooping all over the place – but they couldn’t see it. So, they were stepping in it constantly. Needless to say, we had some birds who very put out!

We just figured an outdoor birdhouse speaker wasn’t worth the potential public relations nightmare. Surely, you guys can appreciate that.

But it did make for a rather fun April Fools! 
