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Setting the Scene

Lighting control manufacturers and dealers are turning an artistic eye to creating great residential illumination scenes.


Business Plan Fitness

It is January, winter everywhere north of the Galapagos, and a new year. You can tell by the bevy of fitness advertising and New...


Starting the Year Right

So its another new year, one more time to clean up all those items that have carried over from month to month, and now...


My Passionate Pursuit

Playing a major role in this fast-moving, always-evolving consumer electronics marketplace has been as fascinating and challenging a business experience as I ever could...


Taking Control4

Control4 is Asking Dealers to Consider Much More than Its Gear... TEXTAR Accepted the Challenge


Our Predictable Path

There are three good reasons why the CI business is broken. First, very few CI companies successfully run multiple locations. Second, the average CI...


Passion for Perfection

I am by nature a perfectionist, and I seem to have trouble allowing anything to go through in a half-perfect condition.Howard Hughes While Im...


As I Bid You Adieu

It is with some sadness that I write this article, my last submission for this column. I am honored to be one of two...


Passion for Innovation

Editors Note: This column, by AMX president and CEO, Rashid Skaf is the latest in a series of essays from our most passionate business...


A New Phase

Phase Technology Celebrates 50 Years with Progressive New Digital Audio Reference Theater System


Marketing Consistency

Marketing Consistency Editors Note: Over the last two months Ira Friedman has explained why the custom installation industry, as is it currently stands, is...


Remembering Soft Tools

Its a bit amazing to me how hardware-centric this entire A/V industry has gotten. Everything seems to have turned into this or that connector...


Attracting Customers

Because the custom installation business is relatively new, it is beneficial to find other analogous industries with which to compare.


Instinctive Control

Call it the little budget that grew. When Ron Romano met with his prospective clients in early 2002 to discuss ideas for the 8,000-plus...


The Next Revolution

So the annual CEDIA show in Indianapolis was, as always, quite a visual and audio treat. But this years CEDIA didnt quite capture me...


Did You Hear Something?

It seems that listening has become a forgotten skill in our industry. I have had several experiences recently that have reminded me that we...



Two custom integrators utilize programming savvy features to personalize their iPod-based audio systems.


Going GUI

The interface is everything; if a client isn't comfortable with it, the entire project is compromised.


More About Standards

Authors Note: Last month, a dealer asked why there are no standards in our industry. To reacquaint yourself with that response, please visit


A Penthouse View

State-of-the-art technology, impeccably installed but never obvious, heard but not seen. Thats the design ticket to a 7,800-square-foot penthouse on Fisher Island.


Setting Some Standards

I love the “custom” nature of our industry, but am frustrated by its general lack of standards. Why are there no standards and what...

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